土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 办公建筑屋顶倾斜24°——超过体量的极限


发布于:2020-11-02 16:29:02 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

作为powerhouse系列的一部分,snhetta与合作方R8 property、skanska和asplan viak共同实现了telemark未来工作空间的可持续发展模式。

作为snhetta的第四座正能量建筑,"powerhouse telemark "与类似的新建筑办公室相比,每年的净能耗减少了70%,而且在整个生命周期内产生的能量比消耗的能量还要多--这为环境可持续建筑的建设树立了新的标准。


as part of the powerhouse series, sn?hetta realizes a sustainable model for the future of workspaces in telemark together with collaborators R8 property, skanska, and asplan viak. as sn?hetta’s 4th energy positive building, ‘powerhouse telemark’ reduces its yearly net energy consumption by 70% compared to similar new-construction offices, and by producing more energy than it will consume over its entire lifespan — setting a new standard for the construction of environmentally sustainable buildings. through standardized interior solutions and co-working spaces, tenants can scale their office spaces as needed, granting much needed flexibility in a global context where remote working solutions continue to increase in demand.

snhetta及其团队设计的 "动力屋telemark "提出了一个新的可持续建筑类型模型。随着世界人口和气候危机的严重性不断增加,snhetta、R8地产、skanska和asplan viak的合作团队在挪威telemark引入动力屋工作空间,作为跨行业工作的挑战,以更负责任的方式进行建设。


snhetta and its team design ‘powerhouse telemark’ to propose a new model of sustainable building typology. the energy sector and building industry account for over 40% of global industry’s heat-trapping emissions combined. as the world’s population and the severity of the climate crisis continue to grow, the collaborative team at sn?hetta, R8 property, skanska, and asplan viak, introduce powerhouse workspace in telemark, norway as a challenge to work across industries to build more responsibly. the building’s striking solar roof gently slopes at a 24° tilt to surpass the extremities of the building’s volume, expanding the roof’s surface and ensuring a maximum amount of solar energy can be harvested both from the photovoltaic canopy and the building’s PV-cell clad south-facing fa?ade.

snhetta的 "动力屋telemark "三面都有木质栏杆,为最暴露在阳光下的外墙提供了自然的遮阳。


on three sides, sn?hetta’s ‘powerhouse telemark’ is clad with wooden balusters providing natural shading on the most sun exposed facade. behind the wooden balusters the building is covered with cembrit facade panels which give the building a unified expression. functioning just as a passive house, the building is super insulated and features triple isolated windows throughout. the concrete slabs lend the building a density akin to that of a stone structure storing thermal heat during the day and slowly emitting heat during the evening. a low ex system with water loops in the border zones of each floor, assures that the building is efficiently cooled and heated through geothermal wells dug 350 meters below ground.



the skewed volume, sculpted with a 45° tilting notch, maintains a clearly identifiable expression that stands out within its industrial context of the surrounding her?ya industry park. inside, the building features a barception, office space, including two stories of co-working spaces, a shared staff restaurant, penthouse meeting spaces and a roof terrace overlooking the fjord. two large staircases connect the building’s ground and top floors, from the reception area and all the way up to the staff restaurant and penthouse meeting rooms. a distinctive straight wooden staircase reveals itself at the ninth floor, visually tying the staff canteen and penthouse meeting room area together and leading visitors to the building’s roof terrace.




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