土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 园林景观实景 \ 都市尘埃中,遇见“时间的朋友”保利金地领峯


发布于:2020-10-27 11:44:27 来自:园林景观/园林景观实景 [复制转发]

我们一直在思考 景观应该归去何方?景观设计应该给人们带来什么?

是用传统设计手法打造一个精美的封闭展示区 ?


We have been thinking about where the landscape should go. What should landscape design bring to people?

Should we use traditional design techniques to create an exquisite enclosed display area? 

Or just build a complex that combines art and function?


The landscape is never a simple combination of lines and functions, but a place to accommodate people's emotions and make them resonate.

此次我们不愿去做单薄的线条与千篇一律的功能,也不愿继续打造 “封闭的盒子” ,将景观占为私有,而是试图抛开传统展示区的设计理念,让景观满足疫情过后人们 渴望交流、渴望与自然不期而遇、渴望让美直击心灵的需求。

This time we are unwilling to make thin lines and uniform functions, and we are unwilling to continue to build "closed boxes" and make the landscape private. Instead, we try to abandon the design concept of traditional exhibition areas and make the landscape satisfy people after the epidemic. Longing to communicate, longing to meet nature unexpectedly, longing to let beauty directly hit the needs of the soul.

我们 以“时间”为轴,以“印记”为底 ,将一个个有温度有记忆的时间印记赋于空间之中,打造一个供人开放交流、休憩、玩耍的新时代公园。

We chose "time" as the axis and "imprint" as the base, and put the time stamps with temperature and memory into the space, creating a new era park for open communication, rest, and play.

它超脱了平常展示区对于人们的意义,不再是冰冷的图形与功能的简单契合,而是一个包含了 场所精神的交往空间 ,是一个 可持续发展的公众交流场所

It transcends the meaning of the ordinary display area for people. It is no longer a simple combination of cold graphics and functions, but a communication space that contains the spirit of the place, and is a sustainable public communication place. 


We hope that this is a park that can be permanently preserved by time, a park that carries memories and emotions.

一条隔绝烦扰的 心灵隧道

"A psychic tunnel that isolates troubles"




It is not easy to be "independence from the world" in a busy city, but we are trying to do it...


将场地变成一处 超越图象化的场所空间 ,容纳了人们的情感与力量,建立起人与空间的内在情感联系。

The entrance to the site effectively cuts the space with an abstract wall of time, shielding the external noise from the high walls and woods. 

It turns the site into a space that transcends imagery, accommodating people's emotions and strength, and establishing the inner emotional connection between people and space.

雕塑般的墙体悦动如时光的肌理匍匐向前,同时又具有艺术雕塑空间的包容感, 包容着人们对情感宣泄、也包容着每一个低头寻觅生活的你。

The sculptural wall is as joyful as the texture of time creeps forward, and at the same time it has the inclusiveness of the artistic sculpture space, which contains people's emotional venting, and also contains every you who lower the head in search of life.

在空间上, 墙体包容内外,延伸了墙外起伏绵延的林冠线,墙外的树枝在映衬现实的同时又在内墙上留下光影的痕迹。

In terms of space, the wall encompasses the inside and outside and extends the undulating forest canopy outside the wall. The branches outside the wall reflect reality while leaving traces of light and shadow on the inner wall.

内外交错的光影给人留下时光流动的斑驳感,在意韵塑造的同时更让光影有了玩味,营造出 一个自然、和谐的静享空间 ,为场地增添了巨大的魅力,人们可以在这里享受到意境的沉思,静享时光的流淌。

The interlaced light and shadow between the inside and outside leave a mottled feeling of the flow of time. While shaping the rhyme, it also makes the light and shadow playful, creating a natural and harmonious quiet space, adding a huge charm to the venue, where people can enjoy Contemplation to the artistic conception, quietly enjoying the flow of time.

一段缓慢摇摆的 时光

"A time of slow swing"




Time was supposed to flow slowly, but it turned into a rush forward. We decided to adjust the time back to its original speed...

曲径尽头的环形秋千 既是引廊隧道的结语,又是活力诞生的引言 ,在设计上将能使人即兴参与和互动的秋千融入其中,以景观的语言重绘生活中的宁静和欢笑。

The circular swing at the end of the winding path is not only the conclusion of the corridor tunnel, but also the introduction to the birth of vitality. The design incorporates a swing that enables people to participate and interact improvisedly, redrawing the peace and laughter of life in the language of landscape.

回荡的秋千象征着时光记忆的轮回, 向前是无限的生机,向后则是充满回忆的童年。

The reverberating swing symbolizes the reincarnation of time memory, forward is infinite vitality, and backward is childhood full of memories.


The swing not only extends the reverie space of the corridor tunnel, but also gives the landscape a memory of time, allowing people to meet their childhood here.

一次与童年重逢的 喜悦

"The joy of reunion with childhood"






When childhood meets childhood in memory,

as the time changes,

this is a memory we write together.


Recalling the quietness of the afternoon is the sound of time tapping the soul. The blessing of the blue sky and white clouds makes the pink, emerald green, and jade white particularly dazzling. Together, they compose a warm and natural meaning, and enliven the tranquility of autumn.

场地中心是一处有较大高差的立体空间,我们有意地利用了场地的原有空间特性来强调立体空间,将属于人与空间的场所精神交还于场地本身, 利用空间创造出超越物质本身的情感交换

The center of the site is a three-dimensional space with a large height difference. We deliberately used the original spatial characteristics of the site to emphasize the three-dimensional space, returning the spirit of the place that belongs to people and space to the site itself, and using space to create emotional exchange beyond the material itself.


Let the time gallery bridge be a connection between the sites. Under the bridge is a world of fantasy full of childishnes.  Above the bridge there is the piano score of memories.

“当日暮降临,一切重归 于静

"When the sun falls, everything returns to peace"









The daylight shines on the soft spiral wall,

and leaves mottled marks,

When night falls,

the light mapping on the wall,

Like the cycle of time,

Time and time again and again leave traces of time on the wall.

时间的桥,凌空而架。 经过于此,与“时钟之门”不期而遇,仿佛是来洗礼,让我们从忙碌的生活中脱离出来,进入缓慢运转的世界,感受内心久违的平静。

The bridge of time is across the air. When people go pass it and encountering "the gate of the clock" unexpectedly, they are able to break away from the busy life and enter the slow-moving world, and feel the peace of mind that has been long-lost.


In the city, we shuttle between the traffic and tall buildings day after day, and it is rare to witness this little starlight in the evening. However, in time belongs to you at this moment, and its meaning exists because of you and has nothing to do with others.



All the good things will eventually return to life,

And life is is filled with these beautiful time stamps.

■  保利·金地领峯  

■ 项目信息

项目名称:东莞保利 · 金地领峯




项目规模:13800 ㎡

摄影团队:三映景观摄影 | 景观周

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