全球知名工作室 隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所 Kengo kuma and associates (KKAA) 以其完成的 "皇家经典酒店 "向中世纪的大阪标志性建筑致敬。
该酒店项目是对1958年建造的 "大阪新歌舞伎座剧院 "的活化,该剧院是以Karahafu Gables而闻名的建筑师Togo Murano的杰作。
with its completed ‘hotel royal classic,’ globally acclaimed studio kengo kuma and associates (KKAA) pays homage to a mid-century icon of osaka. the hotel project sees the revitalization of the 1958-built ‘osaka shin-kabukiza theatre’, a masterpiece of architect togo murano who is known for his karahafu gables. while the design team seeks to reconnect the block with its surrounding namba district — one of the centers of the city’s street culture — the building is penetrated with a large passageway that links to the dense streets behind. the program incorporates a contemporary art gallery, further opening the space out to the street.

隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所Kengo kuma and associates (KKAA)通过将酒店的皇家经典引入到一个轻盈的空中,来纪念和保护原来的剧院。
kengo kuma and associates (KKAA) honors and preserves the original theater by introducing its hotel royal classic as a volume which floats lightly overhead. precast concrete and aluminum panels are used to renovate togo murano’s iconic karahafu gables, while the hotel intervention is wrapped with a curtain wall of aluminum fins. these fins are oriented with an angle of 1,200 millimeters and overlap at random. this strategy provides the curtain wall with a fluctuating surface that suggests the ephemeral, blurred image of clouds or fog.

the architects designed the osaka hotel intervention with a delicate expression to continue the language of the mid-century japanese elements. the historic karahafu gables are named for their noble and elegant character, projecting with a gently curving profile. the team elaborates on its strategy: ‘this represents a challenge on our behalf to use particles that consist of thin aluminum panels to replicate the pattern of karahafu gables created by togo murano in an ongoing attempt to give structures a soft and feminine character.’

建筑师: 隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所 Kengo kuma and associates (KKAA)
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