土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ “折叠式”多孔、通透的铝制外立面——一座地标性的综合体


发布于:2020-10-10 11:27:10 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]


位于尼日利亚拉各斯Ikoyi的Kingsway Tower是一座地标性的综合体建筑,位于Alfred Rewane路的一个显著角落,这条干道将城市一分为二,北至机场,南至维多利亚岛。

由南非建筑师SAOTA设计,Kingsway Tower高15层。它有一个地下室,一个两层的零售裙楼,一个停车裙楼和12层的办公楼层。

金斯威大厦的设计不仅为拉各斯--尼日利亚的经济中心和世界上发展最快的城市之一--引入了新的建筑理念, 而且在质量和执行上也毫不逊色,体现了这个新兴市场在全球范围内的重要性。

Kingsway Tower in Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria is a landmark mixed-use building set on a prominent corner on Alfred Rewane Road, an arterial road that bisects the city leading north towards the airport and south to the Victoria Island. Designed by South African architects SAOTA, Kingsway Tower is 15 storeys high. It has a basement, a two-level retail podium, a parking podium and 12 office floor levels. Not only does the design of Kingsway Tower introduce new architectural ideas to Lagos – the economic centre of Nigeria and one of the fastest growing cities in the world – but it is also uncompromisingly world-class in its quality and execution, reflecting the importance of this emerging market in a global context.



"我们希望设计出一栋直接参照拉各斯这一事实的建筑,其外立面能响应当地的气候条件,"该项目的首席建筑师SAOTA总监Greg Truen说。

Located in Ikoyi, a prestigious residential neighborhood, Alfred Rewane Road and its surrounds have been rezoned to create a mixed-use corridor, resulting in a boom in office and hotel developments. Much of the development in Lagos, however, has a fairly anonymous character, generally following a standard commercial model with concrete slab and curtain wall facades. “We wanted to design a building that made direct references to the fact that it was in Lagos, with a fa?ade that responded to the local climatic conditions,” says SAOTA Director Greg Truen, lead architect on the project.


塔楼升起在一个波浪形的天幕之上,天幕底部有 "编织 "的图案,让人联想到微风中的织物。天篷围绕着一个两层的零售裙楼,在街道上提供遮挡,并在最突出的角落向入口处抬起,令人心动。

The distinctively swollen, billowing form of the tower subtly references the square sails of the traditional boats on Lagos Lagoon while conveying the effect of the gentle breeze that characterizes the climatic conditions of the city. The tower rises above a wavy canopy with a “woven” pattern on its underside, reminiscent of fabric caught in the breeze. The canopy sweeps around a two-level retail podium, providing shelter at street level and lifting invitingly towards the entrance at the most prominent corner.


然而,SAOTA小心翼翼地避免直接或文字上的隐喻等同。他们更倾向于抽象其图案的灵感--热带植被,特别是棕榈树,沿着城市内和周围的热带泻湖--使它们看起来只是 "他们的地方",在美学、实用性和性能上适合气候和经济,而不是宣称公开的文化参考。

外立面的屏风是多层排列的,创造了一个多孔、通透的立面,具有深度和雕塑感, 正如Truen所说,"当各层之间相互转换时,内部投下了有趣的阴影"。

The folded, perforated aluminum screens on the tower’s outer fa?ade are primarily responsible for the building’s iconic identity. SAOTA was, however, careful to avoid direct or literal metaphorical equivalencies. They preferred to abstract the inspiration for its patterning – tropical vegetation, especially palm trees, along the tropical lagoons in and around the city – so that they seem simply “of their place”, appropriate to the climate and economy in their aesthetics, practicalities and performance rather than asserting overt cultural references. The screens on the outer fa?ade are arranged in multiple layers, creating a porous, permeable fa?ade with depth and a sculptural quality, that, as Truen puts it, casts “interesting shadows internally as the layers shift against each other”.




Unlike typical European and American towers in the modernist tradition, the fa?ade treatment is configured more like a shopfront than a curtain wall. “The slab projects past the glass face,” says Truen. The aluminium screen is positioned at the end of the slab, which not only improves the passive performance of the building by reducing the solar load, but it also allows access around the perimeter for easy cleaning and maintenance. “The other climatic response was to position the building with the short facades facing east-west, and the long facades north and south,” says Truen. “The sun gets into the sky very quickly in Lagos, so you’re dealing with a heat load that is coming from a fairly vertical angle. The combination of the overhangs, the shading devices and the north-south elevations is very effective.”

弧形顶棚下的街道立面布满了公众可进入的空间,使其与环境紧密相连,并呈现出与街道和人行道高度开放的视觉联系,特别是在Glover和Alfred Rewane路的显著拐角处。

在夜间,LED照明增强了开放性和无障碍的印象,更不用说它的视觉效果了。 "激活街角并赋予它存在感很重要,"Truen说。



The street level facade below the curved canopy is populated with publicly accessible spaces, tying it meaningfully to its context and presenting a highly open visual connection to the street and sidewalk, particularly on the prominent corner of Glover and Alfred Rewane Roads. At night, LED lighting enhances the impression of openness and accessibility, not to mention its visual impact. “It was important to activate the street corner and give it a presence,” says Truen. This approach is unusual in Lagos, where most buildings present blank walls and fences to the street, severing them from their surroundings and doing little or nothing to enhance the quality of the streetscape and shared public space around them. SAOTA hopes that this intervention will catalyze positive change while making a contribution to the urban fabric immediately around it.




The interior architecture and design of the lobby picks up on the diagonal grid-like element of the canopy, expressed in the paneling as faceted timber triangular elements folded around a diagonal axis. This sculptural approach and simple patterning, along with the use of readily available materials, allowed for all of the joinery to be sourced and built locally. The bold cone-shaped canopy over the reception desk has an impact from beyond the building, creating interest from the street outside. Like the fade, the interior lobby treatment renders more detail and interest as you approach it.



The power supply in Lagos is erratic and municipal services such as water and sewage are limited or absent. As a result, in addition to passive energy solutions that significantly reduce the requirement for air-conditioning and providing ample natural lighting, all servicing – water supply and treatment, backup power generation and sewage treatment – is provided on site. The rapid growth of Lagos, with a population upward of 20-million people and climbing, places unique demands on the city and its architecture. “It’s a place that doesn’t have any time for nostalgia,” says Truen. “It’s constantly renewing itself to cope with the capacity that’s required.”


In this context, Kingsway Tower aims to inaugurate a new design narrative, addressing the city’s unique demands and challenges while reflecting both local and global confidence, an approach affirmed by Kingsway Towers’ first tenant, international computer software and technology company Microsoft. 






面积:27832 m2


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文章来源: 和桥机构(ID: heqiaogroup) 和桥机构 在日本、泰国等商业创新案例中 “绿色+商业”并不新鲜,屋顶花园、绿植外墙等“标配”元素。而在国内,则仍处于起步阶段,鲜有“颠覆性”的绿色生态场景。简单地搬来绿植、室内瀑布,显然不是真正的绿色生态构建,要 避免让“绿色商业”陷入形式大于实质的怪圈


经验值 +10