土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑资料库 \ 新颖、灵活、现代化的办公空间


发布于:2020-09-16 16:30:16 来自:建筑设计/建筑资料库 [复制转发]


 Situated at the heart of an outlying district of Paris, undergoing extensive transformation and modernization, the refurbishment and extension of the Shift building included the remodelling of office spaces, and the main reception, as well as the inter-company restaurant.


The project’s aim is to ensure that the building stays abreast of current trends in working methods, offering a variety of new, attractive, and flexible office space. A further two levels are added and a unifying open central space, designed for conviviality, frees up the interior. The resulting form and composition of the design provides a variety of working spaces with a more relaxed feel and improved acoustic properties.


The remodelling scheme, in addition to the interiors, rejuvenates the facades with a rhythmic architectural treatment. Its expressive external appearance owes much to the superimposed rhythms of vertical sun shaders forming, by means of projections of fine blades of varying width, a vibrating screen before the crystalline simplicity of its glazed facades.


Approaches to the building are rationalized, and the entrances are clarified and enhanced to provide comfortable and agreeable outside spaces for users of the building and members of the public alike.


SHIFT welcomes visitors and workers with an interior space that incorporates the continuation of the street that crosses the building. Accessible by two entrances, this space is an opening between rue Avia and rue Guynemer, creating a voluminous hall.

中庭的设计是为了满足访客的需求。通过接待处后,人们可以在迎宾吧安顿下来,或在Plug & Work空间准备会议。通过这些欢迎的空间,SHIFT促使了人们的彼此交流。

The atrium was designed to serve the needs of visitors. After passing reception, people can settle in at the Welcome Bar or prepare their meeting at the Plug & Work space. With these welcoming spaces, SHIFT stimulates conversation.


The interior design of SHIFT was inspired by the industrial style, combining materials to create large spaces and a hospitable atmosphere. Decorated with natural materials like wood and in warm tones, SHIFT’s atmosphere is modern and dynamic. Evoking the exterior facade, the atrium uses the same vibration wave effect, created by the wall installations of vertical slats of wood. The space is open from the ground all the way up to the glass roof that lets in natural light.


The project was inspired by both industrial and domestic design, mixing different materials to create a welcoming atmosphere in its large spaces. Innovative configurations have been integrated from the project’s conception to provide shared spaces that free ideas and create collective intelligence. On each floor, 500m2 can be used as discussion and exchange areas. Because the workplace’s architecture favors serendipity, SHIFT connects all floors with a generous staircase, encouraging the free flow of ideas end employees.


The office floors, on average 5800 m2, have varying depths so as to avoid a monotonous design and allow for very flexible layouts. Its generously glazed facade lets in a maximum amount of natural light, giving every employee pleasant workspaces from day one. Its loggias, balconies and windows that open offer all employees, no matter where they are, access to fresh air.


With its 1800 m2 of private terraces, loggias and balconies, SHIFT incorporates plant life into the architecture to create inspiring workspaces where people can reconnect with nature.





建筑师:Arte Charpentier Architectes




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想要学习BIM,对BIM感兴趣的小伙伴快来扫码领取大礼包吧~!!! 不久前,由国际著名建筑设计事务所UNstudio设计的位于荷兰Spijkenisse的DE STOEP剧院竣工并对外开放了。又一个传奇般的建筑变成了现实,剧院以UNstudio独特的带有张力的曲线线条以及梦幻般的建筑表皮呈现在世人面前。夜晚降临后,紫红主题色灯光为建筑扮上一身魅力十足的晚礼服。 以下内容是来自UNstudio官方的介绍:“ Spijkenisse剧场的设计重点在于都市建筑的安置和定位,同时从建筑的角度满足编排节目的需求并提供公共入口。剧场内项目的安置意在提供高效率的场内路线,与周围形成合理的关系,而不同容积的房间的设计和安置利用了地皮的自然起伏。观众从剧场的大厅和公共广场得以径直进入两间主要的剧场。一架雕刻的楼梯将剧场大厅和房间入口连接起来。剧场咖啡厅毗邻附近的水域,设计为一个圆形剧场,作为第三间剧场。”


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