△ 制作: A tchain
The new Xi’an International Football Centre will be a 60,000-seat stadium for national and international matches as well as domestic league games, youth training academies, entertainment performances and cultural events. The centre will be located in Xi’an's Fengdong New District with its stations on the city’s expanding metro network.
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With a population of nine million people and two professional football clubs, Xi’an will be a host city of the 2023 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Asian Cup in China. Taking its legacy mode of operations as the starting point of the design, the stadium has been designed to provide optimum conditions for football and maximize its use by generations after the 2023 tournament.
The sweeping lines of the fa?ade protect the stadium from northerly winds and convey the fluid forms of the roof that shelters the saddle-shaped seating bowl which maximizes the spectator seating provided at midfield.
△ 效果图 渲染: A tchain
Integrated within the orthogonal urban grid of Fengdong’s business district, the stadium’s open fa?ades invite the city into the heart of the building to enjoy its public spaces, recreation and dining facilities throughout the day. Located in a series of shaded south-facing garden terraces with views over the city to Qing Mountain, these amenities will also serve spectators visiting the stadium during football matches, cultural events and performances.
The design employs an ultra-lightweight long span cable-net roof structure, resulting in a minimum load and material footprint that in turn reduces the stadium’s primary structure. Wide perimeter roof overhangs shelter facilities within the building's envelope while the large, shaded, open-air terraces and public concourses incorporates extensive planting on all levels, providing comfortable conditions in Xi’an’s hot continental summer climate.
Supported by the tensioned cable-net structure, a translucent membrane over the seating protects spectators from inclement weather and direct sunlight while also allowing the most amount of natural light to reach the playing surface, promoting the growth of grass on the pitch to provide playing conditions of the highest standard.
△ 效果图 渲 染:Negativ
Digital modelling has defined the geometry of the spectators’ seating bowl to optimize proximity and views to the field of play from all 60,000 seats, generating the most exciting atmosphere for football and ensuring an outstanding match experience for all players and spectators.
△ 效果图 渲 染:Negativ
△ 效果图 渲染: A tchain
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曲面施工难哭工人,揭秘沙丘美术馆是如何建成的位于北戴河阿那亚的UCCA沙丘美术馆,如同藏于沙丘之下的神秘洞穴,获得了国内外十余个重要奖项,曾被Lonely Planet评为2019年最期待的美术馆。 它面朝渤海,拥有7个连续的室内展厅,和3个沙滩上的展览平台,每个展厅几乎都有朝向不同的天窗,在一天的不同时刻引入自然光,但又通过精确的计算,避免阳光直射到艺术品上。
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只看楼主 我来说两句效果很震撼,飞碟式的大型体育馆建筑,立面的轮廓线保护体育场不受北风的影响,与流线形屋顶相呼应。马鞍形排布的观众席,使座位数量最大化。学习啦
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