土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 西扎 CarlosCastanheira作品:淮安实联水上大楼

西扎 CarlosCastanheira作品:淮安实联水上大楼

发布于:2020-08-19 15:29:19 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

△ 项目鸟瞰  摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

设计主创   阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira
项目地点   江苏淮安
建成时间   2014年
建筑面积   1.4万平方米
撰文   Carlos Castanheira
摄影   Fernando Guerra | FG+SG(建成后);Carlos Castanheira、Stephen Wang、Richard Wang、Luís Reis、Pedro Carvalho(施工过程)

Like a coiled, sleeping dragon, this office building floats on the water of the lake, which is also the dam for the Shihlien Chemical Industrial factory in Huai'an, Jiangsu province, PRC.

△ 项目鸟瞰  摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The idea of placing the main office building on water was implicit in the master plan for the factory, as this primarily chemical industry needs a reservoir to ensure its permanent, constant production.

△ 项目及周边全貌  摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The curved shape of the volume, accessed across two bridges, makes it seem to move as one approach and moves away.

△ 项目鸟瞰  摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

△ 水中之景  摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The extremely simple organization is distributed on two levels: the main entrance is on the east side, where the central foyer provides access to the work area in a south-facing unit, with another north-facing unit for the social and exhibition zones. The service entrance, restaurant and kitchen areas all face north. The administration zones and facilities of the associate companies are on the upper floor.

△ 滨水外廊  摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

△ 滨水内廊  摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The highlights of the main body include the volumes for the special zones such as the meeting rooms and the auditorium. Stairs, bridges and a ramped bridge facilitate accessibility, functionality and circulation between the spaces.

△ 内部走道  摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

White concrete, aluminum/wood window frames and glass characterize the materiality of the building in contrast to the fluidity of the water body that supports it.

△ 室内空间  摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

The building moves, always displaying its different forms with controlled elegance, exposed to light and shadows, with changing colors and reflections. As architecture should it be.

△ 空间游走 摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG



At one time the great artists were masters of many arts and did not differentiate between the fine arts nor specialize in any one in particular. They were interested in all the arts. They worked in them all.

△ 西扎的手绘草图  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

I am thinking in particular about those forms of art that relate to space. The control of space, the way it is used, how it is perceived, how it is felt, how it is.

△ 建造过程

Architecture must be sculpture, just as sculpture is architecture, in the sense that it transforms space. It can enhance urban space, making it more beautiful, more perceptible. Giving it scale. Sometimes grandeur. Sometimes beauty.

△ 建造过程

The idea that sculpture is something independent or that architecture is purely something technical is an error of the times we live in, obsessed as we are by speed and specialization.

△ 西扎的手绘草图  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

There is something of the Renaissance Man in álvaro Siza, in his wish to create sculpture, to draw and to write. This will to explore beauty is revealed as an essential complement to his controlling of space and giving of form to temporal space. Approaching the main office building of the Shihlien factory, below the mass of the volume that marks the entrance, three figures await us with their curvilinear forms running in various directions.

△ 设计模型  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

They receive us. They greet us. Like a tribute to someone arriving. Or leaving. They control anyone who approaches, dominating the space, creating hierarchies, shadows, reflections, dimension and overall, architecture.
△ 内部开窗  摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Inside, another sculpture marks a special thing: the "Friendship" between the people who contributed to make the realization of all those spaces and activities possible. Friendship is symbolically immortalized in two pieces of marble wound together in an elegant gesture, in an embrace, but also in a gesture of respect. Mutual.

△ “友谊”空间  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

△ “致敬”空间  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

Now that the sculpture is there in the architecture, we can see that it was always there. This can be found by analyzing the sketches, the drawings, the models, the details, the materials.

△ 项目夜景  摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Should the architect not also be a sculptor?
As it used to be when there was no specialization?
El Soto, 29th of July of 2014.
Carlos Castanheira



设计图纸 ▽

△ 总平面图  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

△ 地面层平面图  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

△ 一层平面图  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

△ 屋顶平面图  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

△ 立面图  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

△ 剖面图  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

△ 节点详图  ?阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira

业主:Por-Shih Lin, Chairman, Shihlien Chemical Industrial Jiangsu Co.
设计主创:阿尔瓦罗·西扎 + Carlos Castanheira
项目负责:Pedro Carvalho、Luís Reis (第一阶段);Luís Reis(第二阶段)
合作者:Diana Vasconcelos、Susana Oliveira、Elisabete Queirós、Orlando Sousa、Rita Ferreira、Jo?o Figueiredo、Caitriona、Carolina Leite、Anand Sonecha
建模渲染:Francesco Sechi、Jo?o Figueiredo、Pedro Afonso、José Soares
创意集成顾问:Xue Xue Institute、Xue Xue Foundation
项目管理与施工监理:Stephen Wang & Richard Wang with Chiou-Huei Lin (WZWX Architecture Group)
本地合作单位:United Architects & Engineers Co., Ltd
暖通、电气、给排水、通讯、安防设计:Shanghai Qingya Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co.
结构设计:RFR Shanghai
排水设计:Geberit China
施工单位:Zhejiang Urban Construction Group
结构顾问:HDP - Paulo Fidalgo
机械顾问:GET - Raul Bessa
照明顾问:GPIC - Alexandre Martins
混凝土防水顾问:SIKA - Helena Beleza
摄影:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
施工照片摄影:Carlos Castanheira、Stephen Wang、Richard Wang、Luís Reis、Pedro Carvalho

  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 沙发


    2020-08-20 08:31:20

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