土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 居住建筑设计 \ 创新住宅:“蜂巢式”设计方案——2030年实现


发布于:2020-08-11 09:01:11 来自:建筑设计/居住建筑设计 [复制转发]

受蜂巢结构和组织的启发,gianluca santosuosso推出了“蜂巢项目——以人为本打造多功能生态系统”,其设想在2030年实现。


heavily inspired by the structure and organization of honeycombs, design studio gianluca santosuosso has introduced the ‘hive –  human-inclusive & versatile ecosystem’, a shared living proposal for 2030. combining the properties of the beehive with the shape of the archetypal house, the project creates a new hybrid type of living space, able to merge nature’s efficiency with the ingenuity of humans. 

考虑到未来几十年我们社会将面临的新挑战,gianluca santosuosso试图开发了一个系统,而不是明确的设计解决方案,关注社会凝聚力和自然再生。“我们的目标是在人类不破坏生态系统的情况下引入一种新的生态环境,而是通过其再生来丰富,支持并从中受益”。在这里,“家”的概念已经超越了人类,包括了动物,植物,风雨。人类在其中享有与自然界其他地方一样的特权地位。

considering the new challenges that our society will face in the next decades, gianluca santosuosso intended to develop a system rather than a defined design solution, focusing on social cohesion and nature regeneration. ‘our ambition is to introduce a new ecology of place where human does not damage the ecosystem but enriches, supports, and vastly benefits from its regeneration’ the studio shares. here, the notion of home extends beyond human beings to include animals, trees, the wind and rain. humans have as much of a privileged status in it as the rest of the natural world.


diversity and inclusion are the key aspects that the hive project aims to promote. the flexibility of the beehive modular system allows for huge customisation so that people tailor their homes to specific circulation, accessibility, lifestyle needs. for example, in double-storey homes the same module is designed to accommodate either a stairwell or an elevator. ramps and smooth paths replace conventional steps and obstacles.


on higher floors, open hexagonal modules allow inhabitants to own and share gardens, orchards and playgrounds. a mix of private, semi-private and shared spaces offer residents the opportunity to preserve their privacy, but also socialise with others. soundproofing and noise control are easily managed by the well insulated and structurally independent prefabricated modules.


this socio-eco-system includes a wide range of components from residential modular estates, shared services buildings, energy and food-production facilities, shared e-vehicle premises, urban connectivity components and wild nature habitats. the intent is to provide the hive with a wide spectrum of co-owned and shared facilities that will empower individuals, families and communities to be self-sufficient while allowing local authorities and administration to limit the need for public investments.


the presence of several generations in a single nest, the strong sense of belonging that hugely benefits all and the purpose-for-everyone make them a community paradigm. it is fundamental to enable inhabitants of all ages to feel comfortable, safe and truly useful to the community through their individual role, contribution and purpose in it. the design creates a biophilic home with place and meaning for all.

建筑师:gianluca santosuosso

  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 沙发


    2020-08-18 10:59:18

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