有史以来第一个全玻璃设计,悬挑的“树冠”屋顶下的苹果零售店自2018年“ apple iconsiam”开幕以来,苹果公司现已分享了其在泰国开设的第二家零售店。“Apple Central World”位于曼谷标志性的Ratchaprasong的中心地带,为这座热闹的城市提供了一个全新的,方便到达的目的地。与以前的商店一样,该项目是与foster+partners合作开发的。 following the opening of ‘apple iconsiam’ in 2018, apple has now shared the first photos of its second retail location in thailand. situated at the heart of ratchaprasong, bangkok’s famous intersection, ‘apple central world’ provides a completely new and accessible destination within the lively city. as with many of the tech company’s previous stores, the design was developed in collaboration with foster + partners.
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