土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 机场客运大楼设计——跨度30m的木拱结构


发布于:2020-07-08 16:14:08 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]






Mactan-Cebu International Airport (MCIA) is the second largest airport in the Philippines. To meet traffic demands a new Terminal 2 for international traffic is planned to supplement the existing Terminal 1, which will be converted to Domestic use when T2 completes. Hong Kong-based architect, Integrated Design Associates, was invited to design the new terminal. The expanded facility is expected to transform MCIA from a city airport to a world-class international hub, as the main gateway to the central Philippine region.



新的2号客运大楼在初期阶段的设计年客流量为400万人次,预计在未来10年内将增至8万人次。 模块化的设计方式允许逐步地扩展,以满足未来的变化。

The new Terminal 2 is designed for 4 million passengers per annum (MPPA) at the initial phase of development, and is anticipated to grow to 8 mppa within the next 10 years.  The modular design allows the terminal to expand incrementally, a basic building block configured for optimum adaptability to meet future change. 





Cebu is an internationally well-known holiday destination.  The new Terminal 2, as the gateway to tourist resorts in the region, is designed to echo a resort-like feel while function as a transport interchange.  Its concept is contextual.  Like a tropical grand indigenous house in The Philippines, the terminal has a high pitch roof and low eaves to fend off solar heat and glare. The uppermost structure is lightweight to withstand seismic activity and its form is well braced against typhoons.  The superstructure is made from sustainable material and capable to be built by local craftsmen.  The building exudes simplicity and warmth to stand it apart from the institutional coldness typified by many airports.  The new Terminal 2 is designed to offer a new experience for passengers.

3层的客运大楼包括顶层的出发设施,地面和夹层是抵达设施。 其屋顶由连续的跨度30m的胶合层压板木拱支撑,定义了建筑的模块化结构及其建筑形态。



屋顶的朝向以及建 筑从入口到登机的通透,为乘客在建筑内行走提供了明确的方向感。

The 3-story Terminal building comprises of Departure facilities at the top level and Arrival facilities at ground and mezzanine levels.  The main roof structure, composed of arrays of glulam arches spanning 30m, defines the building modular composition and its architectural form.  Air-conditioning ducts are fully integrated into the valleys of the vaulted roof, while the apex of the arch has skylights to let in natural light.  The 15m high main north and south fa?ades, protected by the roof overhangs, offer clear, uninterrupted views out of the building. The orientation of the roof and clear visibility from kerb side to aircraft provide an unequivocal sense of direction for passengers moving through the building.

MCIA项目在建设过程中已打破了一些记录。 集成的木材结构-由经认证的可持续产地的云杉制成,是世界上同类产品中规模之最,也是亚洲第一次有重要的交通类建筑, 因其低碳足迹,易于安装和自然的完成面而被选择。


The MCIA project has already broken a few records during its construction. The glulam timber structure, made of spruce from certified sustainable source, is the biggest project of its kind in the world. The use of laminated timber is another first for a major transport building in Asia, and is selected for its low-carbon footprint, ease of erection and a natural self-finish. The bold design is a celebrated landmark; a symbol of pride and a showcase of the best Cebu have to offer.


地点:菲律宾 宿雾


  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 沙发


    2020-08-14 14:24:14

    回复 举报



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对于剧院、博物馆一类的建筑似乎天生就与普通的建筑不同,它们设计大胆,标新立异的个性也使其具有了更多的争议性,在去年年底投用的“溧阳博物馆”就是这样一个颇具争议的建筑,业界对它的评价也是褒贬不一。 溧阳博物馆实景图 该博物馆位于江苏溧阳城市新区燕湖公园西南角 ,占地11000余平方米,总建筑面积18000余平方米,其中地上建筑面积11000平方米,地下约7000平方米,它是溧阳市首座综合性城市博物馆。展厅共有三层,1至2层是博物馆,主要展览内容为4500万年前中始新世中华曙猿,第3层为规划馆,主要展览溧阳市具体的规划情况。


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