南京的又一地标!!江苏·南京承天大桥江苏·南京承天大桥 AND office + NAN architects 在与AND office的合作下,NAN architects设想一座横跨中国秦淮河的南京承天大桥。该项目正在建设中,旨在在南京南北轴线间形成一个的重要连接,同时也创造了一个门户和令人印象深刻的地标。该结构将连接穿过南侧的京沪高铁和北侧的城市带高速公路。 In collaboration with AND office, NAN architects has envisioned the nanjing chengtian bridge to span across the qinhuai river bank in china. the project, which is currently under construction, intends to form an important connection between the north and south of nanjing, while also creating a gateway and impressive landmark. the structure will link the beijing-shanghai high-speed railway, which passes through the south side, with the city-belt highway to the north.
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