土木在线论坛 \ 环保工程 \ 规范资料 \ 多专业常用英语词汇


发布于:2005-12-14 13:25:14 来自:环保工程/规范资料 [复制转发]
经济指标 economic indicators
社会总产值 total product of society
国民生产总值 GNP (Gross Domestic Product)
国内生产总值 GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
人均国内生产总值 GDP per capita
工农业总产值 gross output value of industry and agriculture
国民收入 national income
购买力平价法 purchasing power parity
财政收入 state revenue
社会商品零售总额 total volume of retail sales
社会零售物价总指数 general retail price index
百分点 percentage points
"八五"划划 the 8th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development
计划经济 planned economy
统购统销 state monopoly over purchase and marketing
市场经济 market economy
指令性计划 mandatory plan
指导性计划 guidance plan
市场调节 market regulation
建立市场经济、法制、民主监督和廉政"三个机制" establish operational mechanisms of market economy, rule by law, democratic supervision and incorruptible government
抓好农业、交通能源、教育科技"三个基础" stress priorities over agriculture, transportation and energy supply, education and science and technology
实现产业结构、生态环境和人口素质"三个优化" optimize industrial structure, ecological environment and the quality of population
第一、二、三产业 primary, secondary and tertiary industries
外向型经济 export-oriented economy
创汇型企业 foreign exchange-earning enterprise
劳动密集型 labor intensive
技术、智力、资本密集型 technology, knowledge or capital intensive
高附加值的深加工 down-stream processing with high added-value
优化资源配置 optimize allocation of resources
生产力 productive forces
生产资料 capital goods
科研成果产业化 industrialization of research findings
火炬计划 Torch Plan
技术入股 technology appraised as capital stock
风险投资 venture investment/capital
固定资产投资 investment in fixed assets
折旧费 depreciation cost
关系民生的产品 products vital to the people’s livelihood
供大于求 oversupply
供不应求 short supply
经济过热 overheated economy
抑制炒房地产热 stem frenzied and speculative trading in the property market
宏观调控 macro-economic control
经济杠杆 economic levers
产业政策 industrial policy
财政, 税收, 信贷,利率, 汇率 public financing, taxation, credit, interest rate, exchange rate
提高经济效益 enhance economic performance/returns
社会效益 social effect/returns
实现持续、稳定、协调的发展 bring about sustained, stable and coordinated development
财政赤字(盈余 ) budget deficit(surplus)
外贸出口总额 gross foreign export value
外商直接投资协议金额 contracted foreign direct investment
实际利用外资 foreign investment in actual use
三资企业(中外合资合作、外商独资经营) three kinds of enterprises with foreign investment: sino-foreign joint venture, contractual joint venture
允许外商独资经营 allow full foreign equity operation
优惠条件 confessional terms; favorable terms
减免税收 tax reduction and exemption
合作方式 approaches to cooperation
出资方式 means of contributing investment
合营期限 contract term of a joint venture
三来一补 (来料加工,来件装配,来样加工) processing and compensation trades(processing with materials or given samples, assembling supplied components)
贸易伙伴 trade partner
转口贸易 transit trade
外贸顺差 foreign trade surplus
积极引进外来资金、技术、人才和管理经验 actively introduce capital, technology, competent professionals and managerial expertise form outside
交钥匙工程 turn-key project
招标承包制 bidding invitation contract system
招标出售技术 bids for technology
公开招标 call for bid; tenders
招标单 invitation for bid (IFB)
标书 bidding document
竟标 competitive bidding
投标 bid for a project
投标报价书 bid proposals
评标 bid proposal evaluation
开标 bid opening

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只看楼主 我来说两句
  • rubbyzhao
    rubbyzhao 沙发
    2008-03-10 15:24:10

    回复 举报
  • 铁塔
    铁塔 板凳
    2006-05-02 16:04:02

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环境保护专业英语词汇21世纪议程 Agenda 21 (the international plan of action adopted by governments in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro Brazil(巴西里约), — provides the global consensus on the road map towards sustainable development)


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