土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 钢结构工程 \ 求RAMstructural 11.2安装文件

求RAMstructural 11.2安装文件

发布于:2008-01-03 15:30:03 来自:建筑结构/钢结构工程 [复制转发]


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  • jinghai05
    jinghai05 沙发
    Cursor Snap-To: Users have greater control in enabling or disabling the points to which the cursor snaps during the creation of a model. These snap points are created automatically at the intersections and locations of grids, members, loads, and so on, but the new feature can be used to suppress the creation of some of these snap points. This feature is especially useful for very large and complex models and aids in the more rapidly and precisely entering of new members and loads in the model.

    Measure Command: A new Measure Distance command can be used to display the distance and angle (with respect to the global X-axis) between any two points. Click on any two points and the coordinates, the distance, and the angle will be displayed.

    Show Member Lengths: The ability to display member lengths on plan and elevation views has been added. For sloping framing, such as at roofs, the length can be given as either the actual member length or the horizontal projected length.
    2011-01-19 09:08:19

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  • jinghai05
    jinghai05 板凳
    Modeler enhancements

    Move Beam: The Move Beam command lets users move a beam that has already been modeled, with options to either move the beam some specified offset distance (maintaining the orientation) or to move one end of the beam to a new location. Beams framing into moved beams will automatically adjust to the new support locations, with options to maintain the orientation or the relative spacing of those secondary beams.
    2011-01-19 09:07:19

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先用3d3s初选截面,再手算。在没有吊车梁的单跨双坡门式钢架中,梁柱截面为楔形,梁分三段0.15,0.7,0.15。其控制截面是按如下的方法取么?柱单元取两端梁单元取两端在验算时荷载组合怎么考虑呢?根据最不利内力 每个单元的轴力最大值和相应的弯矩和剪力 每个单元的弯矩最大值和相应的轴力和剪力 每个单元的剪力最大值和相应的轴力和弯矩再去找发生的截面去验算还是每个控制截面都考虑3d3s软件计算时每一种荷载组合 去验算。


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