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换新电脑后,ZDM无法加载网络狗的问题以前用旧电脑,办公室所用的网络版ZDM在单机上用狗是可以正常使用的,然后换了新电脑用信赏必罚WIN7系统后,装了07版CAD和网络版07ZDM后,进入界面是提示狗加载失败,然后我用LOADZDM命令试用IP及单机狗加载都无法成功中,然后用网上的“ZDM软件不能用解决方案”的方法来一条条试了,也是加载失败,其中我觉得不太正常 的是,在C盘下的ZDM2008中点狗的驱动程序后,弹出来的框框中,USB 驱动是可以安装的,但是并口就不能安装,这是什么原因造 成不能加载ZDM的呢?求高手指点。
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Like automating the creation and shaping of 3D objects, whether 3DSolids, subdivision meshes, associative or NURBS surfaces and setting the points of view and visualization modes that help in understanding the generated models. To these and other advanced techniques, including parameterization, reactors, the graphical user interface and building applications, more than half of this book is dedicated.
For this we use Visual LISP, the tool of choice to customize and extend AutoCAD’s features, be it by its capabilities as a basic scripting language to automate repetitive tasks or taking advantage of advanced drawing database access possibilities and the management of properties and methods exposed through the ActiveX interface.
LISP programming techniques, including the use of the Visual LISP Integrated Development Environment, are explained starting from scratch. No previous experience in programming is required to profit from this book's contents. Updated for AutoCAD 2013.
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