土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 混凝土结构 \ 英文文献结构damage和failure的区别
各位大佬好,我是结构专业的一名学生,近期课程需要在看英文文献,有一个地方不太明白1. Only one earthquake record was run in this study, and this PGA was scaled up progressively until failure or excessive drift was observed. 2. From this specific example, it can be observed that the GWB wall has almost reached its fully hysteretic response capacity, while for the OSB face fully hysteretic response accompanied with large energy dissipation has not been reached. This could indicate that damage (or failure) is generated first in the GWB component.第一句话的意思是说,地面峰值加速度(GPA)逐渐增加,直到结构发生failure或产生过大位移。第二句话的意思是说,大概是,石膏板(GWB)剪力墙达到了抗震承载力,而木结构板(osb)剪力墙还有很大的耗能空间,结论是,这表明了GWB板构件先达到damage(或failure)。这里我不是很明白damage和failure的区别,一开始我是都理解成破坏,但是最后一句话让我很迷惑。既然写成damage (or failure),那就说明两者是不一样的。这篇文献全名是Contribution of Plasterboard Finishes to Structural Performance of Multi-storey Light Wood Frame Buildings(石膏板饰面对于多层轻型木结构建筑结构性能的贡献)有没有大师帮忙解答一下疑惑,感谢!

全部回答(1 )

  • luluhere
    damage是损伤 材料或构件出现微小或宏观裂缝;failure是结构构件已经失效 无法正常工作、断裂。感觉英语很多词都能理解成同一个意思,但是老外知道他们的严重程度不一样。就跟crack和crash一样
    2018-12-06 10:14:06 来自 PC 评论 举报



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