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冷媒型空调工程施工技术论文简介: 1.冷媒型空调工程使用的主要材料、设备、成品及半成品应为有技术标准的产品,并具有出厂检验合格证明。为工程加工的非标产品和防火要求的产品,亦应具有质量检验合格的技术鉴定证明,并应符合国家及有关强制性标准的规定。2.冷媒型空调工程安装施工现场质量管理,应符合大金公司的《安装技术手册》、《工程质量控制资料》等资料的规定,还应符合《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》GB50300-2001第3.0.1条的规定。
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This design is an upscale, Shanghai Administration building of central air conditioning system, a Shanghai luxury Executive Office building sets, business, entertainment, Office, dining in one of the modern office, area 6667.5 square, rectangular, something fundamental to the average length of about 97 m, North-South and West is 22.5 m average; ground floor, and a height of 9 metres in aboveground 3.9, total height 38.1 meters, building area of 1830 square meters, total building area of 15000 m2, 1 floor under ground for equipment room, floor 1, 2-layer to restaurant and comprehensive business Hall, floor 3-9 layers for the Office, meeting, entertainment etc. Intended for the design of the air-conditioning system for indoor workers provide comfortable working environment. Three ~ nine layers used mainly undertakes the fan-coil air conditioning room cooling load and thermal load, every rehousing ceiling of a room, one to two concealed fan coil. Fresh air through independent fresh air pipes first fed into the air blower plate Tube, and the return air mixed together into the room. First, the second layer is the lobby, restaurant, etc. larger space room, full air system. For underground layer of actual usage, system design a ventilation plan, the use of mechanical ventilation systems and mechanical exhaust system.
Design relates to the following aspects: the air conditioning system of air conditioning plan comparison, air-conditioning cooling load and humidity load calculation, HVAC system system layout, air conditioning system airflow calculation, air-conditioning equipment and accessories, air conditioning system hydraulic calculations, duct systems and plumbing insulation design; design of anechoic anti-vibration and refrigeration room design, ventilation design, layout, etc.
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